Introduction to Delta Pieces: Northeast Louisiana Folklife
Map: Cultural Micro-Regions of the Delta, Northeast Louisiana

The Louisiana Delta: Land of Rivers

Ethnic Groups

Working in the Delta

Homemaking in the Delta

Worshiping in the Delta

Making Music in the Delta

Playing in the Delta

Telling Stories in the Delta

Delta Archival Materials


Delta Archival Materials: An Inventory
Prepared By Susan Roach
The Delta Folklife Project, a project of the Louisiana Division of the Arts Folklife Program, focuses mainly on regional folklife traditions which have continued in the delta area of the state, but also includes folk traditions, of ethnic, occupational, and other groups as well. The Delta parishes include Morehouse, Ouachita, West Carroll, East Carroll, Caldwell, Tensas, Catahoula, Richland, Madison, Franklin, LaSalle, and Concordia.
Fieldwork for the Louisiana Delta Folklife Project was done in two phases: 1) an ethnographic overview and 2) field school, documentation, and festival presentations. In 1988, the Louisiana Folklife Program began phase one of the Delta Folklife Project by initiating research for an ethnographic overview of the Delta region by Dr. Susan Roach, Louisiana Tech folklorist, and Dr. H. F. "Pete" Gregory, Northwestern State University anthropologist. This research included an historical and cultural-geographic overview that consisted of contextual descriptions of existing folk groups and their folk traditions, a bibliography, listing primary contact persons in each group and community, and a list of community resources. Phase one also identified ethnic groups and folk traditions and included selective documentation of some folk traditions, including baptism in Lake Providence and Delta blues.
Phase two of the project included documentation and presentation. Held in summer 1993 and partially funded by a grant from the Fund for Folk Culture, the Delta Folklife Field School provided training and field experience for 50 community scholars in basic folklife documentation techniques. Following this training, field school participants and other folklife researchers continued researching folk traditions, some of which were first presented at the 1994 Louisiana Folklife Festival and subsequent years.
During these two phases the following folklore genres were documented:
Occupational lore: auctioneering, cotton farming (and other crops including catfish), cotton press calling, cropdusting, logging, boatbuilding, trapping, netmaking, riverlore (river pilots' stories, rope skills, river customs)
Music: old time country music (family and community bands, benefits and country music shows), bluegrass, rockabilly, blues (delta blues, rhythm and blues with guitar, bass, horns, harmonica), gospel music (African American gospel quartets, shaped-note singing, gospel radio shows, Mennonite a cappella family singing, and Pentecostal Church music)
Crafts: tupelo gum dough bowls, split oak basketry, carving, whittling, quilting, soap making, and hunting horns.
Foodways: buttermaking, cane syrupmaking, barbecue, fish cookery
Religious ritual traditions: River and lake baptisms, Easter Rock, grave decorations, memorial days, all day singing, and Catholic processions and altars
Regional narratives: flood stories, local legends, and characters.
This document contains a listing of the tradition bearers and events that were documented during the two phases of the project. The documentation from this research is housed in the following venues:
Phase I: Materials from this phase are currently housed with Dr. Susan Roach, English Dept., La. Tech, Ruston, LA (notation: LTU) and Dr. H. F. Gregory, Anthropology Dept., Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA (notation: NSU).
Phase 2: Materials from this phase are currently housed with Dr. Susan Roach, English Dept., La. Tech, Ruston, LA (notation: LTU) and Maida Owens, La. Folklife Program, La. Division of the Arts, Baton Rouge, LA (notation: DOA), which are archived at Louisiana State University Library Special Collections.
In 1997, the Smithsonian Institution's Festival of American Folklife featured the Mississippi Delta and Louisiana folk artists among others. Duplicate recordings from selected narrative stages that focused on work, leisure, and domestic life were placed with the Louisiana Tech Folklife Program.
Folk Artists/Tradition Bearers Interviewed In Phase 2
Included below is basic information on each folk artist documented in Phase 2 of the Delta Folklife project, including name, date of interview, ethnicity, topic of interview, experience in festival presentation, documents, archival information, and interviewer and date. Below that list are musical groups and the members that were performing at the time of the research. The following abbreviations are used in each entry to conserve space:
Key to abbreviations used in entries
DFFS: Delta Folklife Field School student
DOA-FP: Louisiana Division of the Arts, Folklife Program, P. O. Box 44247, Baton Rouge, LA 70804, 225-342-8180
doc: documentary materials available and location
e: ethnic group
F: prior festival experience
Int: Interviewer collecting information and date of interview
LFS: La. Folklife Survey form complete; exceptions noted
LTU: Documentary materials housed with Susan Roach, English Dept, La. Tech University,
Ruston, LA 71272, phone: 318-257-34-3 or 318-257-2718.
NSU: Documentary materials housed with Dr. Donald Hatley and Dr. H. F. "Pete" Gregory, La.
Folklife Center, P. O. Box 3663, NSU, Northwestern State U., Natchitoches, LA 71497
Individual Folk Artists/Tradition Bearers
Amin, Arnetta Pierce
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
African American Folk Medicine & Pharmacology (teas/herbs) 1930-1960
Doc: LFS. photos: slides. bio. LTU.
Int: Shirley Ayatey, 7-29-93
Arnold, Sidney
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
River lore and occupation, river boats, locks and dams operator
Doc: photos: 24 color slides boats, locks, dams (all unlabelled); 60 min tape, LFS. LTU.
Int. Mary Bert Arnold, 7-31-93
Bailey, Morell
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
harmonica playing (blind)
Doc: 60 min tape w/ song index; bio, LFS, LTU.
Int: Annie Staten, 8-27-93
Bowie, Roosevelt, member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
e. African American
Shape note singing
Doc: 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church.
Int: Annie Staten, 12-11-93
Bradley, Julius R.
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. Anglos Scots-Irish
Doc: color slides of equipment and Bradley; 90 min tape, 2 page essay, LFS. LTU.
Int: Mary Ann Bernard
Briggs, Shirley
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
Doc: 60 min. tape, LFS (inc), LTU
Int.: Shelia Richmond, 8-5-93
Brown, Robert Edgar ("Bobby")
Riverton, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo Scots Irish
blues guitarist; piano (boogie woogie and blues); harmnica; fiddle
Doc: 4 60 min tapes; 2 slides; LFS; LTU.
Int: Stefan Keydel, 8-31-94
Burnside, Marguerite (Mrs. Frank)
Newellton, Tensas Parish
e. African American
quilting, quilting bee at Newellton Union Church
Doc: 6 color slides of quilts and church bulletin board, 1/2 page essay, incomplete LFS. LTU.
Int: Mary Ann Bernard, 7-30-93
Caldwell, Louis
West Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Jewish
Jewish foodways (matzoh balls); blues musician
Doc: 60 min tape; brief field report; bibliography page from the American Jewish Archives on the documents on the Jewish community in Monroe; LFS; LTU
Int: Ben Sandmel; nd
Calloway, Reverend Alphonson, Leader
Convention Specials
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Doc: Calloway: 60 min tape w/ log; bio on quartet; LFS; LTU; also see performance on Celebrating our Heritage with Vocal Music audio tapes and b/w photos by Susan Roach
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Annie Staten; 12-20-93
Champlin, Thomas A.
Champlin Net Co.
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
Net making, fishing
Doc: 60 min tape; Champlin Net Co catalog, LFS, LTU
Int: Shelia Richmond, 8-5-93
Clark, Thompson
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
Growing up in St. Joseph
Doc: 1 60 min tape, LFS, LTU.
Int. Betty Jo Harris, 8-23-93
Clifton, Mary Lee Strange
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. African American
Plantation youth, games such as marbles, ring games
Doc: 90 min tape, 2-page essay, LFS (incomplete), LTU.
Int: Mary Ann Bernard
Cockerham, Tracey
Trout, LaSalle Parish
Rodeo: Barrel racing; family on range cattle in hills
Doc: 1 tape; photos; b/w and color slides, bio, LFS. LTU & DOA-FP
Int: Janet Ryland
Crain, Issac Lynn ("Ike")
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo Scots Irish/French
Country Music
Doc: 2 60 min tapes; photos, LFS, LTU (incomplete)
Int: Stefan Keydel, 8-27-94
Dailey, Hazel
Columbia, Caldwell Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish, native Am.
whittling, canning, embroidery, soap making
Doc: photos: 31 b/w neg w/ contacts & log; 60 min tape w/log, 8-page crafts essay, bio, LFS. LTU.
F. Columbia Folk Festival
Int: Sylvia Frantom, 1-20-94
Charlie Davis. Jr.
Lake Providence, E. Carroll Parish
Cropdusting, barnstorming
Doc: 2 60 min tapes with Davis and Guenard; tape log; LFS. LTU.
Int: Gayle Brown 8-5-93
Community Singing Convention
Galilee Baptist Church
Richland Parish
E. African American
Gospel music
Doc: 90 min tape
Recorded by: Annie Staten, 1-30-94
James A. Douglas, member
Royal Newtown Spirituals Quartet
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Quartet singing with and without instruments
Doc: 60 min tape with Woods and Douglas; bio on quartet; LFS; LTU
Int. Annie Staten, 12-28-93
Edwards, L. D.
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
Wooden boat building, carpentry
Doc: photo: 10 color slides, 1 tape, bio, LFS. LTU & DOA-FP
Int. Janet Ryland, 8-18-94
Fisher, Rose
Jena, LaSalle Parish
e. Native American, Choctaw
Choctaw basketry; Choctaw traditions: deer hide tanning, burials,
Doc: 2 60 min tapes w/ tape summary; 2-page bio; LFS; LTU.
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int. Junior Doughty, 12-29-93
Franklin, Thelma
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
Net hanging
Doc: 60 min tape; LTU
Freeman, Suzy
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish/ French
Hoop net making
Doc: 60 min. tape; LTU
Int: Shelia Richmond, 8-05-93
Frost, Richard
West Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish & Native American
Folk medicine, antique furniture restoration, carving
Doc: one herbal remedy for cough. LFS. LTU
Int. Shirley Ayatey, 7-26-93.
Garcia, Josephina
Clayton, Concordia Parish
e. Hispanic (Mexico)
Mexican foodways
Doc: 1 30 min tape; 3 slides; LFS, LTU.
F. Delta Folklife Festival, 1990, 1991
Int. Janet Ryland; 1-23-94
Gilmore, Nalda
West Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
Blowing horn maker, dog (beagle) hunting
Doc: photos: 37 b/w neg w/ contact; 60-min tape w/ log; LFS. LTU.
F. Craft shows
Int: Sylvia Frantom, 1-15-94
Goldman, George Carneal Jr.
Burn Plantation
Waterproof, Tensas Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
Agriculture, cotton planter, operation and history of Burn Plantation
Doc: 60 min tape, 5 pages (handwritten) interview notes, photo: 2 b/w neg & log with other plantation houses (DOA-FP) LFS. LTU.
Int: Betty Jo Harris, 7-28-93
Guenard, Steve H.
Lake Providence, East Carroll Parish
Cropdusting, barnstorming
Doc: 2 60 min tapes with Guenard and Charlie Davis; tape log; photos: 3 color slides (DOA-FP), LFS. LTU.
F. Narrative Stage on cropdusting 1993 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Gayle Brown 8-5-93
Hardin, Henry, member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
e. African Americanshape note and quartet singing
Doc: 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church.
Int. Annie Staten, 12-11-93
Hebert, Kenneth (Bear)
Jena, LaSalle Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish, French, Indian
Fisherman, catahoula dog owner and hunter, netmaker, hunting horn making, hog butchery, game cookery
Doc: Photos: 24 b/w neg. w/ contact & log; 7 color slides labelled; 60 min. tape w/ log; Bio, 12-page essay; LFS. LTU.
Int: Sylvia Franton, 1-8-04
Holland, Owen Dale
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish/Cajun
Cropdusting (aerial application); soil science
Doc: 1 45 min tape; 5 slides; bio, 5-page essay on cropdusting; LFS; LTU
F. Fieldworker suggestions included for festival presentation
Int: Janet Ryland; 1-23-94
Hudson, Buster
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
bluegrass fiddler; band with friends
Doc: Contact artist for sample performance, LFS, LTU.
F. plays with his unnamed band at Old Place, Harrisonburg.
Int: Marcy Frantom, 8-27-93
Johnson, Marie
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Folk Medicine (herbal medicine learned from great grandmother)
Doc: LFS, 4 remedies list. LTU.
Int: Shirley Ayatey, 7-29-93
Johnson, Ceola
Start, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
shaped note a cappella singing (duo with Orlando Johnson)
Doc: 60 min. tape of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson w/ log; bio, copy of book with "I'm Just a Pilgrim Passing Through; 1 b/w photo by Susan Roach; LFS; LTU. (also see audio tape Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing for performance and photos/negatives by Susan Roach)
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival, short duet performance, a cappella
Int. Annie Staten, 11-5-93
Johnson, Mr. Orlando
Start, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
shaped note a cappella singing (duo with Ceola Johnson)
Doc: 60 min. tape of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson w/ log; bio, copy of Stamps Baxter book cover with "I'm Just a Pilgrim Passing Through; LFS; LTU. (also see audio tape Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing for performance and photos by Susan Roach)
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival, short duet performance, a cappella
Int. Annie Staten, 11-5-93
Jones, Mose, member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
e. African American
Shape notes and quartet singing (a cappella)
Doc: 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church.
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Annie Staten, 11-24-93
Junkin, Reece
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo Scots Irish
Lye Soapmaking, canning, quilting, whittling
Doc: 60 min tape; 3 slides; bio, 5-page essay; LFS; LTU.
F. Pioneer Day, Jefferson College, Mississippi; festival recommendations
Int: Janet Ryland, 1-15-94
Magee, Allen
Mangham, Richland Parish
e. none given
Doc: 1 60 min tape; bio; festival recommendations; LFS; LTU
Int: Janet Ryland, 2-10-94
McKeever, Willie Belle Whatley
Trout, LaSalle Parish
e. Anglo Scots Irish
Storyteller; oral historian; stories of how her grandfather sheltered the Choctaw
Doc: 2 60 min tapes w/ tape summary, 2-page bio, letter from interviewer on Zenoria folklore LFS, LTU.
Int: Junior Doughty; 11-27-93.
Norwood, John, Member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
Doc: 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church.
Int: Annie Staten, 12-11-93
LeCroix, James
Harrisonburg, Catahoula Parish
e. French/Native American
hunting horn maker
Doc: 1 60 min. tape w/ summary; photos: 8 b/w w/ log; 6 color slide w/ log; bio; LFS, LTU.
Int: Marcy Frantom, 1-4-94
Lee, Joe
Mrs. Chu Moo Fong Lee (Lee's mother)
Ferriday, Concordia Parish
Chinese Fanukt traditions
Doc: 1 tape; interview essay. DOA-FP
Int: Stephanie Pierrotti, 8-31-94
Long, Tony
Jena, LaSalle Parish
Duck decoy carver; duck hunter
Doc: 1 tape, photo: b/w and color slide, bio, LFS & DOA-FP
Int. Janet Ryland, 8-19-94
Lyke, Helen
Columbia, Caldwell Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
crochet, drawn needle work, canning, stories of flood of 1927
Doc: photos: 17 b/w neg. w/ contact & log, 30 min. tape w/ log; 4-page essay, bio, LFS. LTU.
F. Columbia Art & Folk Festival
Int: Sylvia Franton, 1-20-04
Masur, Caroline
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Jewish
Jewish heritage; folklore
Doc: 60 min tape; field report; LFS; LTU
Int: Ben Sandmel
McNair, James Otis
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
Southern Baptist Preacher, taught black ministers "soul winning techniques"
Doc: 60 min. tape, 10 slides 2-page essay, LFS, LTU.
Int: Gene Cloninger
Mintz, Jean Strauss
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Jewish
Jewish heritage/folklore
Doc: 60 min tape, field report, LFS, LTU.
Int: Ben Sandmel
Nobles, Therlow "T"
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Oral History; cotton farming; building houses, rhyming songs from railroad work gang; retired preacher; gospel singer
Doc: 2 60 min tapes; bio, photos: b/w by Susan Roach; LFS, LTU
F. La. Folklife Festival, 1994, mini-sermon, a cappella song
Int: Annie Staten, with Susan Roach, 9-16-94
Poe, Jack (Edgar Allen)
Newellton, Tensas
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
General Tensas history; yeoman farmer in New Light area of Tensas; agriculture
Doc: 60 min tape, LFS. LTU.
Int: Betty Jo Harris, 8-23-93
Ponce, Irma
Ferriday, Concordia Parish
e. Hispanic (Mexico)
Mexican foodways (hot tamales)
Doc: 1 30 min tape; bio; festival recommendations; 5 slides; LFS; LTU.
Int: Janet Ryland, 1-23-94
Poole, Moses Andrew
Aimwell, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
fox hunting; dogs competition
Doc: 1 60-min. tape w/ summary; photos: 18 color slides logged; 17 b/w logged; 6-page essay"You've got to know your dog's mouth: Fox and Coyote Hunting in Aimwell, Catahoula Parish," LFS, LTU.
Int: Marcy Frantom, 1-4-94
Radcliff, Bonds
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
Engineering of Levee Building
Doc: 1 60 min tape; LFS. LTU.
Richardson, Roger William, member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Shaped note and quartet singing
Doc: 60 min tape w/ log; 1 b/w photo, LFS. LTU. Also see Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, Union Baptist Church tape and photos by Susan Roach.
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Annie Staten, 1-21-93
Roberts, Virginia
Grayson, Caldwell Parish
e. French, German
Folk medicine remedies: blackberry juice, tobacco, flux weed
Doc: photos: 3 b/w w/contact & log; 60-min tape with log; 2-page essay, LFS. LTU.
Int: Sylvia Frantom, 2-3-94
Sartor, Emily W.
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
cheerleading (contemporary)
doc: 1 30 min tape; photos: 6 color slides, LFS, LTU.
Int: Joy Marshall, 8-24-93
Sartor, Tommie Sue Eaves
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
Doc: 60 min tape; 3 color slides, LFS, LTU.
Int: Joy Marshall, 8-23-94
Savannah, Roosevelt Williams
Swarz, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
gospel singing, guitar, country music, piano
Doc: LFS
Int: Stefan Keydel, 7-23-94
Smith, Myles
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
1927 Flood
Doc: 1 60 min tape, LFS, LTU.
Int: Betty Jo Harris
Serio, Guy
Serio's Super Mart
Ferriday, Concordia Parish
Italians in the Delta; oral history of tenant farmers, businessmen, Depression, old days.
Doc: 2 60-min tapes, photos: DOA-FP to be developed; 5-page essay w/ bibliography on Italian-Americans in La. and U.S.; 6-page essay on interview with Serio. LTU.
Int: Madelyn Boudreaux, 11-13-93
Skinner, Beulah McKinley
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. African American
quiltmaking, farming
Doc: 90 min. tape, 1 page bio, 1 color slide of quilt, LFS. LTU.
Int: Mary Ann Bernard, 7-30-93.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church Altar Society
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
St. Joseph Day Altar; preparations, baking cookies
Doc: photos (DOA-FP to be developed); 5 page essay, 19 page tape transcript; excerpt from cookbook; list of supplies for St. Joseph's Day cooking; List of symbols on St. Joseph Altar; History of Altar; also 6-page essay on interview with Father Sam Pollacia (currently from Alexandria, but previously Monroe); LFS
Int: Stephanie Pierrotti and Madelyn Boudreaux, 3-18-94
St. Joseph's Catholic Church Men's Club
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
began: 1956 (original name: Holy Name Society)
St. Joseph's Day Altar for March 19 (St. Joseph's Day); making spaghetti sauce
Doc: 1 60 min. tape; photos (DOA-FP to be developed); 2 page essay and 10 page transcript of spaghetti sauce making; LFS. LTU.
Int: Stephanie Pierrotti and Madelyn Boudreaux, 3-19-94
Sweeney, William, member
Pleasant Star Singer
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
e. African American
Shape note and quartet singing
Doc: b/w photo 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church.
Int. Annie Staten, 11-21-93
Thomas, Percy, member
Pleasant Star Singers
Winnsboro, Franklin Parish
e. African American
quartet singing, harmonica player
Doc: 60 min tape with Pleasant Star Singers; bio, LFS, LTU; also see Pleasant Star singers, and tapes and photos of Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, and Celebrating Our Heritage through Shape Note and Quartet Singing Program, Union Hill Baptist Church
Int: Annie Staten, 12-11-93
Doc: 4 60 min tapes; b/w photos
Int: Stefan Keydel, 2-22-94 and 7-12-94
Thompson, Ozell
Bonita, Morehouse Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
quilting; pieces quilts in winter; has someone else quilt
Doc: photos (unlabeled): 25 b/w artist w/ quilts; 24 color slides, bio, LFS, LTU.
Int: Donna Edwards, 7-27-93
Torrey, Maye
Columbia, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
jelly making
Doc: photos: 6 b/w neg. & contact; 60-min tape w/ log; 7-page essay; bio; LFS. LTU.
F. Columbia Art & Folk Festival (15 years making jelly).
Int: Sylvia Frantom, 2-3-94
Varino, M. J. (Marion John)
Rainbow Grocery
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Italian
Italian grocery, Italian sausage-making
Doc: photos: 17 b/w log (DOA-FP has undeveloped roll); 5-page essay, hand-written recipe, LFS. LTU.
Int: Stephaine Pierrotti
Walker, Margaret Poag
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
dance, cheerleading
Doc: 30 min tape; 2 color slides, LFS, LTU.
Int: Joy Marshall
Warner, John, Sr.
Rayville, Richland Parish
Cotton press caller
Doc: 60 min tape; 1-page report; 22 unlabelled, but logged slides of Warner at home and at inactive cotton press
F. Narrative stage at 1993 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Gene Cloninger, 7-29-93
Doc: 60 min tape
Int: Stefan Keydel, 3-31-94
Willson, Robin
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Anglo Scots-Irish
Rodeo Calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling
Doc: photo: Color slides, b/w; 1 tape, bio, roping essay, LFS. LTU&DOA-FP
Int: Janet Ryland, 8-13-94
Wimberly, Rufus ("Rip")
Tallulah, LA Madison Parish (born in Arcadia, La)
e. African American
Blues guitar musician
Doc. 2 90 min. tapes, index, LFS, LTU
Int. Ben Sandmel, 8-21-86
Winston, Theresa
St. Joseph, Tensas Parish
e. African American
1927 Flood and other high water oral history; black perspective
Doc: 60 min tape
Int: Betty Jo Harris, 8-18-93
Sam Woods, Leader
Royal Newtown Spirtuals
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Quartet singing with and without instruments
Doc: 60 min tape with Woods and Douglas; bio on quartet; LFS; LTU.
Int. Annie Staten, 12-28-93
Woolson, Arthur
Jonesville, Catahoula Parish
e. Cajun/Native American (probably Anglo-Scots Irish)
Cropdusting in California, Louisiana
Doc: 1 60 min tape; 4 slides, bio; 5-page essay on cropdusting (also see Holland) festival recommendations; LFS; LTU.
Int: Janet Ryland, 1-23-94
Young, Margaret "Peggy" Bubb
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. Anglo-Scots Irish
doc: 30 min tape, 2 color slides with Margaret Walker
Musical Groups
Convention Specials Quartet
A cappella African American Quartet
Calloway, Reverend Alphonson, Leader
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Doc: Calloway: 60 min tape w/ log; bio on quartet; LFS; LTU; also see performance on Celebrating our Heritage with Vocal Music audio tapes and b/w photos by Susan Roach
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int: Annie Staten; 12-20-93
Four Pilgrims Quartet, Delhi, LA, 1938-1987
A cappella African American quartet
Louis Harrington, original member
Delhi, Richland Parish
e. African American
Eagles Anderson
Delhi, Richland, Parish
Frederick Pearson
Delhi, Richland Parish
e. African American
Doc: Group interview w/ 60 min tape w/ log; bio, 4 b/w photos w/ log (no neg.) LFS. LTU
Int. Annie Staten, 12-4-93
Hawkins Family Singers, Bastrop, LA.,
African American Quartet (guitar)
T. J. Hawkins
Bastrop, Morehouse Parish
e. African American
Georgia Hawkins
Bastrop, Morehouse Parish
e. African American
Mizell Hawkins
Bastrop, Morehouse Parish
Doc: Group interview with above members- 60 min. tape w/log; LFS, LTU.
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int. Annie Staten, 1-5-94
Mighty Soul Guides, Rayville, LA
African American Quartet with Instruments
Leroy Jenkins, Manager, tenor and guitarist
Rayville, Richland Parish
Willie Scott, Jr. baritone
Earnest Gaines, lead singer
Charlie Brown III, lead singer and keyboard
Rev. Gerald Scott
Chauney Robinson, drums
Doc: 60 min tape w/ log; bio on group; LFS on each member, LTU.
Pleasant Star Singers, Winnsboro, LA
Shaped Note Singers and Quartet
Quartet members:
Mose Jones (lead and bass)
William Sweeney (tenor)
Percy Thomas (background)
Albert Jackson (lead)
other singers:
Roger Richardson
John Norwood
Roosevelt Bowie
Henry Hardin
Doc: 60 min tape w/ log with whole group and quartet; bio, LFS on each member; see also Celebrating Our Heritage through Vocal Singing audio tape and photos by Susan Roach, LTU.
Int. Annie Staten, 12-11-93
Royal Newtown Spirituals Quartet
African American quartet
Sam Woods, Leader
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
James A. Douglas
Monroe, Ouachita Parish
e. African American
Quartet singing with and without instruments
Doc: 30 min tape w/ log with Woods and Douglas; bio on quartet; LFS; LTU.
F. 1994 La. Folklife Festival
Int. Annie Staten, 12-28-93
Documented Events
Celebrating our Heritage through Shaped Notes and Quartet Singing, Union Hill Baptist Church, Monroe, LA, February 5, 1994, African American gospel music; organized by Annie Staten following 1993 Delta Folklife Field School research.
Doc: 2 60 min tapes & 1 90 min tape; b/w photos by Susan Roach; news article w/ photo in Monroe Dispatch; program, 1-page description; fieldnotes; LTU.
Doc. by Annie Staten and Susan Roach
Celebrating our Heritage through Vocal Singing, True Light Baptist Church, Monroe, LA, December 11, 1993, African American gospel music; organized by Annie Staten following 1993 Delta Folklife Field School research.
Doc: 1 60 min tapes & 1 90 min tape; news article w/ photo in Franklin Sun b/w photos by Susan Roach; program, 1-page description; fieldnotes; LTU.
Doc. by Annie Staten and Susan Roach
Community Singing Convention, Galilee Baptist Church, Start, LA, January 31, 1994, 12:30 p.m.
Doc: Program, brief description, 1 100 min. tape, 1 60 min tape; photos by Susan Roach.
Doc. by Annie Staten and Susan Roach
Miscellaneous Photographs
Subject / Location / Photographer / Format
Note: These are housed at LTU unless noted otherwise.
Pre-fab house in St. Joseph by Mary Ann Bernard, color slide
Old town of Jonesville, Indian Mound by Marilyn Campbell, 2 slides
Old town of Jonesville, first Street by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Seawall with scene of old town by Marilyn Campbell, 2 slides
Black River Lake, Monterey, LA by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Flowry Mound, Monterey, LA by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Catahoula cur dog, Monterey, LA by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Young farmers in Delta going bow hunting, by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Young farmers on Black River, by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Children's entertainment in 1990s by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Young farmers practicing bow hunting by Marilyn Campbell, slide
Roping Pen, Black River, 1993 by Marilyn Campbell, slide
DeVille Sears Kit House(interior/exterior), Mangham, LA by Gene Cloninger, 9 slides
Stoddard Sears Kit House (interior/exterior), Rayville, LA by Gene Cloninger, 9 slides
Abraham House (reputed to be kit house built 1917 and moved 1983), near Alto, by Gene Cloninger, 7 slides.
Delta Plantation Houses (Burn, Cross Keys, Enola, Gums, Richland, Midway, Highland, Loam Land, Myrtle Groov, Sudan House Plantations, tenant house by Betty Jo Harris, b/w (DOA-FP)
Delta Churches in Tensas Parish, by Betty Jo Harris, 6 b/w (DOA-FP)
Cotton fields, La. LA 15 between Clayton and Sicily Island, 3 slide by Maida Owens
Fish stand sign, Wisner, LA, 3 slides by Maida Owens
Metropolis La. 562, west of Wisner 2 slides, by Maida Owens
Hay bales near turkey Creek Lake, LA 562, 3 slides, by Maida Owens
Daughter of Zion Baptist Church in cotton field, Extension, LA 3 slides, by Maida Owens
Cattle on LA 135 3 slides by Maida Owens
Martin bird houses on corner of LA 135 and Loflin in Ogden, LA 3 slides by Maida Owens
Cropdusting near Liddeville, 15 slides by Maida Owens