Introduction to Delta Pieces: Northeast Louisiana Folklife
Map: Cultural Micro-Regions of the Delta, Northeast Louisiana

The Louisiana Delta: Land of Rivers

Ethnic Groups

Working in the Delta

Homemaking in the Delta

Worshiping in the Delta

Making Music in the Delta

Playing in the Delta

Telling Stories in the Delta

Delta Archival Materials

Selected Bibliography on Delta Pieces: Northeast Louisiana Folklife
By Susan Roach
Editor's note: For additional references on the Delta, please see the individual essays included in the Delta Pieces: Northeast Louisiana Folklife.
Anderson, John Q. "Folklore in the Writing of the 'Louisiana Swamp Doctor.'" Southern Folklore Miscellany 3 (1955): 1-10. Print.
_____. "Folkways in Writing about Northeast Louisiana before1865." Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 1.4 (1960): 18-32. Print.
_____. Odd Leaves from the Life of a Louisiana Swamp Doctor. Baton Rouge: LSU Press. 1961. Print
_____. "Folklore in Two Northeast Louisiana Novels." Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 20.1 (1961): 28-43. Print.
_____. Louisiana Swamp Doctor: The Writings of Henry Clay Lewis. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1962. Print.
Ashley, George. Reminiscences of a Circuit Rider. Hollywood, CA: Private Publisher, 1941. Print.
Barry, John M. Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997. Print.
Brescia, Bill, and Carolyn Reeves. By the Work of Our Hands: Choctaw Material Culture. Philadelphia, Ms.: Choctaw Heritage, 1982. Print.
Botkin, Benjamin Albert. A Treasury of Mississippi River Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Folkways of the Mid-American River Country. New York: Crown, 1955. Print.
Bry, H. "Louisiana Ouachita Region." De Bow's Review 3.1 (1847): 226-227. Print.
Buchanan, Minor Ferris. Holt Collier: His Life, His Roosevelt Hunts, and the Origin of the Teddy Bear. Jackson, MS: Centennial, 2002. Print.
Burman, Ben Lucien. Big River to Cross; Mississippi Life Today. New York: John Day, 1940. Print.
_____. Children of Noah; Glimpses of Unknown America. New York: Messner, 1951. Print.
Cain, Robert. Whole Lotta Shaking Goin' On: Jerry Lee Lewis. New York: Dial, 1981. Print.
Caldwell, James R. Production of Hogs in Concordia Parish. Baton Rouge: L.S.U. Press,1934. Print.
Calhoun, Robert Dabney. A History of Concordia Parish. New Orleans: s.n., 1932. Print.
Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain). Life on the Mississippi. St. Louis: James Co., 1889.Print.
Darby, William. A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana. Philadelphia: John Melish, 1816. Print.
Dethloff, Henry C., and Robert R. Jones. "Race Relations in Louisiana, 1877-98." Louisiana History 9.4 (Autumn 1968): 301-323. Print.
Dobie, J. Frank. The Ben Lily Legend. Boston: Little Brown and Co, 1950. Print.
Dawson, Walter. Killer on the Rocks." Country Music. June 1077: 42-43ff. Print.
Evans, David. Liner notes. Since Ol' Gabriel's Time Louisiana Folklife Recording Series 003, 1982. Web. 25 August 2012.
Faine, John. The Jena Band of Choctaws: An Assessment of the Status of a Louisiana Indian Tribe. Baton Rouge, La.: Institute for Indian Development, 1985. Print.
Ferris, William. Local Color: A Sense of Place in Folk Art. New York: McGraw Hill, 1987. Print.
Gibson, Jon L. The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings. Gainesville: U of Florida, 2001. Print.
Gould, E.W. Fifty Years on the Mississippi. St. Louis: James Co., 1889. Print.
Gregory, Hiram F. "Africa in the Delta." Louisiana Studies 1 (1963): 16-22. Print.
_____. The Black River Commercial Fisheries: A Study in Cultural Geography." Louisiana Studies 2 (1963): 1-15. Print.
_____. "Delta Sounds." Album cover notes. Since Ol' Gabriel's Time. Louisiana Folklife Recording Series 003. 1982. Print.
_____. Doing It Right and Passing It On: A Catalogue of North Louisiana Folk Arts. Alexandria, LA: Alexandria Museum, 1981. Print.
_____. "The Jena Band of Louisiana Choctaw." American Indian Journal. 3.2 (1977): 2-16. Print.
_____, Shane Rasmussen, and Sheila Richmond, eds. Proceedings of the 2010 Delta Symposium: Culture Change and Continuity in the Delta Region. Natchitoches: Louisiana Folklife Center Publications, 2011. Print.
Haas, Mary. Tunica Texts. Berkeley: U of California, 1949. Print.
"Important Fisheries Center Located at Jonesville, Louisiana." Louisiana Conservation News. May-June 1928: 9. Print.
Klopotek, Brian. Recognition Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race and Tribal Recognition in Three Louisiana Indian Communities. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011. Print.
Kniffen, Fred, H. F. Gregory, and George Stokes. The Historic Tribes of Louisiana from 1542 to the Present. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1987. Print.
Knipmeyer, William B. American Folklife. Austin: University of Texas, 1976. Print.
Le Bon, Joseph W. The Catahoula Hog Dog. M. A. Thesis. L.S.U., Baton Rouge.1970.
Lee, Dayna Bowker, and H. F. Gregory. The Work of Tribal Hands: Southeastern Indian Split Cane Basketry. Natchitoches, LA: Northwestern State UP, 2006. Print.
_____, and H. F. Gregory. Proceedings of the Southeastern Indian Basketry Gathering. May 16-17, 2002. Natchitoches: Northwestern State University. n.d. Print.
Lewis, Myra (with Murray Silver). Great Balls of Fire: The Uncensored Story of Jerry Lee Lewis. New York: Quill, 1982. Print.
Lindahl, Carl, Maida Owens, and C. Renée. Harvison. Swapping Stories: Folktales from Louisiana. Jackson: U Press of Mississippi in Association with Louisiana Division of the Arts, Baton Rouge, 1997. Print.
Martin, F. Lestar. Folk Architecture in North Louisiana. Ruston: La. Tech School of Architecture, 1982. Print.
_____. Folk and Styled Architecture in North Louisiana. Lafayette: Center for La. Studies, 1989. Print.
Oster, Harry. "The Easter Rock Revisited: A Study in Acculturation," Louisiana Folklore Miscellany 3 (1958): 21-43. Print.
Palmer, Robert. "The Devil and Jerry Lee Lewis." Rolling Stone, 13 Dec.1979: 57-61. Print.
Palmer, Robert. Jerry Lee Lewis Rocks. New York: Putnam/Delilah, 1981. Print.
Phillips, Yvonne. "The Tensas Basin." Cultural Survey of Louisiana. Ed. Fred Kniffen. Final Report ONR Program N7, Baton Rouge: LSU, 1951. Print.
_____. "Settlement Succession in the Tensas Basin." Diss. Louisiana State University, 1954. Print.
Ranson, Sandra, ed. The Front Porch: Stories from the Communities of Big Island, Buckeye, Catahoula, Deville. Hickory Grove, Libuse and Philadelphia. Pineville, LA: Fitzgerald's, 1976.
Roach, Susan. "Easter Rock: A Description." Louisiana Folklife. 2008. Web.
Robin, C. C. Voyage to Louisiana: 1803-1805. Abridged Translation from the Original French. Baton Rouge: Pelican, 1966. Print.
Roosevelt, Theodore. "In the Louisiana Canebrakes." Scribner's Magazine Jan. 1908: 48. Print.
Saxon, Lyle. Father Mississippi. New York: Century Co, 1927. Print.
Seale, Lee, and Marianna E. Seale. "Easter Rock: A Louisiana Negro Ceremony." Journal of American Folklore 55 (1942): 212-18. Print.
Sheilds, Joseph D. Natchez, Its Early History. Louisiville, Ky.: J. P. Morton Co, 1930. Print.
The Situation and Prospects of the Population in the Black River Settlement," Louisiana LSU Experiment Station Bulletin, 1928: 319. Print.
Spitzer, Nicholas (ed.) Louisiana Folklife: A Guide to the State. Baton Rouge, CRT, 1985. Print.
Sturman, Janet. "Merging the Forbidden and the Permissible: The Louisiana Easter Rock." Louisiana Folklife 17 (1993): 24-32. Print.
Swaggart, Jimmy with Robert Paul Lamb. To Cross A River. Plainfield, N.J.: Logos International, 1977. Print.
Sweeters, Sharon, Sheila Richmond, and Lisa Abney, eds. Proceedings from the Narrative Sessions of the Natchitoches - NSU Folk Festival. July 22, 2006. Natchitoches: Louisiana Folklife Center, 2007. Print.
Tosches, Nick. Hellfire: The Jerry Lee Story. New York: Delacorte Press, 1982. Print.
Tucker, Stephen R. "The Development of Rockabilly Music in the Louisiana Delta," Paper read at the First North Louisiana Folk Conference, Ferriday, La., 1981. Print.
_____. "Louisiana Saturday Night": A History of Louisiana Country Music. Diss. Tulane University, 1995. Print.
U. S Commission on Civil Rights. Racial and Ethnic Tensions in American Communities: Poverty, Inequality, and Discrimination, Vol. 7: The Mississippi Delta Report. Washington, D.C. GPO, February 2001. Web. 25 August 2012.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jena Band of Choctaws of Louisiana Restoration Act: Report (to accompany S. 3095). Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1992.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works and Transportation. Subcommittee on Economic Development. Final Report of the Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission. Washington, D.C.: GPO., 1990. Print.
U. S. National Park Service, Department of the Interior. Draft Heritage Study/ Environmental Assessment Vol. 1. February 1998. Print.