In Noah's Footsteps: Traditions of Animal Rescue Groups in Baton Rouge
By Carolyn Ware

1. In "The Shelter Voice: Types of Shelters," Darlene Duggan (2012) explains four general kinds of animal shelters and their functions. Municipal "control facilities" like the East Baton Rouge public shelter are funded by city or county/parish government and act as "homeless/unwanted pet repository[ies] and their mandate is to handle every animal surrendered to them. Control facilities may adopt animals directly to the public, or transfer them to other shelters to save lives. Traditional humane societies are privately funded and take in animals for the general public and adopt them to new owners. Rescue organizations "often specialize in certain breeds or categories of animals" and usually obtain their animal populations from traditional or municipal shelters, rather than taking animals directly from the public (Duggan 2012:1-2). The fourth kind of shelter is animal sanctuaries, which "serve as a respite for animals that may not be adoptable for one reason or another" and receive their animals from sources such as other shelters, pet stores, the public, puppy mill raids, and so on. Although I do not always use these terms to distinguish among Baton Rouge groups, these descriptions more or less fit most of the organizations discussed in this essay, although boundaries are sometimes imprecise.
2. This movement was influenced in part by Nathan Winograd's 2007 book Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation and the No Kill Revolution in America. Critics argue that, among other problems, Winograd unjustly blames shelter workers for the high rate of euthanasia at many open-access animal shelters.
3. In Bridging the Bond: The Cultural Construction of the Shelter Pet (2002), Tami Harbolt reported that 80% of animal shelter and rescue workers are female.
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