Louisiana Folklore Miscellany Index: Contents from Previous Journals Since 1958
By Marcia Gaudet
A selection of past articles from the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany are published online in collaboration with the Louisiana Folklore Society.
MAY 1958: I(3)
Anderson, John Q. "Some Mythical Places in Louisiana." 1-10.
Wiedorn, William S. Jr. "Psychotherapeutic-like Techniques in Folk Medicine." 1-20.
Oster, Harry. "Easter Rock Revisited: A Study in Acculturation." 21.
JANUARY 1960: I(4)
Oster, Harry and Revon Reed. "Country Mardi Gras in Louisiana." 1-17.
Anderson, John Q. "Folkways in Writing about Northeast Louisiana before 1865." 18-32.
Wagner, Richard T. "The Relations of Folklore to the Traditional Academic Disciplines." 33-42.
Carrigan, Jo Ann. "Early 19th Century Folk Remedies." 43-64.
Roppolo, Joseph Patrick. "Folklore in Louisiana Drama: A Challenge." 65-81.
A Review of Louisiana Folklore Society Activities. 82
AUGUST 1961: II(1)
Rickels, Patricia K. "Some Accounts of Witch Riding." 1-17.
Leyda, Seraphia. "Les Treateurs." 18-27.
Anderson, John Q. (Texas A&M College): Folklore in Two Northeast Louisiana Novels." 28-43.
Pebworth, Ted-Larry. "Graveyard-Working: The Passing of a Custom." 44-49.
Ballard, Lou-Ellen. "Folktales of Southeast Alabama: An Original Collection." 50-68.
Wagner, Irene C. "Corrine L(elia) Saucier: A Tribute." 69-78.
Saucier, Corrine L. "The Ups and Downs of Collecting Folklore in Avoyelles Parish: An Informal Address." 79-82.
Notes and Queries. 83.
APRIL 1965: II(2)
Lagarde, Marie-Louise, William S. Chute and George F. Reinecke. "Six Avoyelles Songs from the Saucier Collection." 1-26.
Rickels, Patricia K. "The Folklore of Sacraments and Sacramentals in South Louisiana." 27-44.
Reinecke, George F. "The New Orleans Twelfth Night Cake." 45-54.
Anderson, John Q. "Folk Remedies for the Cure of Warts." 55-73.
Brown, Hugh S. "Voodooism in Northwest Louisiana." 74-86.
Pebworth, Ted-Larry. "Typical Protestant Modesty: Some Folk Cures of North-Central Louisiana." 87-96.
Kirby, Thomas A. "Nathaniel M. Caffee: In Memoriam." 97.
MAY 1966: II(3)
Early Louisiana French Life and Folklore from the Anonymous Breaux Manuscript as edited by Professor Jay K. Ditchy. Selected, arranged and trans. by George F. Reinecke
"Foreword." 1-5.
"Character of the Acadiens." 6-10.
"Early Courts." 11-12.
"Peddlers and Storekeepers." 13-17.
"Rural Schooling." 18-20.
"Clothing, Ancient and Modern." 21-23
"House, Farm, Food and Drink." 24-28.
"Customs through the Year." 29-37.
"Courtship and Marriage." 38-44.
"Deaths and Funerals." 45-46.
"Les Veillees." 47.
"The Sabbat and Feu-follet." 48.
"Superstitions." 51-55.
"Healers and Sorcerers." 55-58.
Program, 1965 Meeting Louisiana Folklore Society. 59-60
Program, 1966 Meeting Louisiana Folklore Society. 61.
AUGUST 1968: II(4)
Dorson, Richard M. "Techniques of the Folklorist." 1-23.
Pebworth, Ted-Larry. "Aunt Loda's Legacy." 24-33.
Sarrazin, Jean, Laura Kraus and Donald Krintzman. " 'Werewolves' on Bayou Lafourche." 34-44.
Lagarde, Marie-Louise. "A South-Louisiana Negro 'Baptizing.'" 45-55.
Abboud, Elaine J. "The Evil-Eye Among the Syrian-Lebanese in New Orleans." 56-61.
Landry, Julie B. "Faisande." 62-68.
Bourque, Darrell. "Cauchemar and Feu Follet." 69-84.
Plemer, Roslynn. "The Feast of Saint Joseph." 85-90.
Carbo, Terry M. "The Faith Healing Beliefs of a New Orleans Healer." 91-100.
Barnhill, Viron L. "The Partridges: A Medieval Fabliau in Acadian Oral Tradition." 101-102.
Martin, Malcolm J. "Zombies and Ghost Dogs on the Harvey Canal." 103.
Hale, Thomas. "The Kings' Cake Custom in Mobile, Alabama." 104.
Villere, Sidney, Roy Alciatore and George Reinecke. "A Nineteenth Century Creole Menu and Its Proverbs." 105-110.
Barnhill, Viron L. "Three Acadian Weather Practices." 111-112.
Louisiana Folklore Society Programs 1966-1968. 113.
APRIL 1970: III(1)
"Editorial." 1-4.
Holditch, Kenneth. "The Sacred Harp: A Southern Folk Hymnody." 5-15.
Boudreaux, Anna Mary. "Proverbs, Metaphors and Sayings of the Kaplan Area." 16-24.
Barrois, Julie. "Herb Cures in an Isolated Black Community in the Florida Parishes." 25-27.
Carlson, Flo. "A Collection of Cajun Superstitious and Supernatural Tales," 28-37.
McColloster, Mary Ann Tusa. "New Light on the New Orleans St Joseph Altar." 38-45.
Reinecke, George F. "The Wandering Jew in French Louisiana." 46-54.
Abboud, Elaine J. and Jean A. Sarrazin. "New Orleans Lenten Recipes: A Multi-Ethnic Sampling." 55-69.
Blanchet, Catherine. "Acadian Instrumental Music." 70-75.
Tassin, Anthony. "Mardi Gras in Edgard: Some Random Notes." 76.
Reinecke, George F. "Mardi-Gras, Chooka Lapai: A Probable Meaning." 77-78.
Sarrazin, Jean. "Unwanted Company Lore." 79.
Plater, Ormonde. "Vagina Dentata in Louisiana." 79-80.
Sarrazin, Jean. "Three Notes on the Southeast Louisiana Supernatural." 81-83.
The 1969 LFS Program. 84.
APRIL 1971: III(2)
Plater, Ormonde. "The Hurricane of Cheniere Caminada: A Narrative Poem in French." 1-11.
Gibbs, Jr. Samuel. "Voodoo Practices in Modern New Orleans." 12-14.
Harling, Kristie. "The Grunch: An Example of New Orleans Teen-Age Folklore." 15-20.
Mouton, Mona Mel and Ethelyn Orso. "Jean L'ours: An Acadian Folktale." 21-26.
Sears, Jean Sarrazin. "A Garland of Louisiana Wart Cures." 27-33.
Reinecke, George F. "Proverbial Locutions of New Orleans French." 34-38.
Terranova, Joachim. "Some Arbreshe Folklore." 39-43.
An Anthropology Student of Dr. Ethelyn Orso. "An Interview With a Hoodoo Curer." 44-47.
Murphy, Charles. "The Protest Motif in Children's Literature." 48-49.
Soileau, Jeanne. "Children's Observance of Mardi Gras in Ville Platte, Louisiana in the Early 1950's." 50.
Tassin, Anthony. "Folk Wart Cures." 50.
Reinecke, George F. "Weather Practices, Fifollet, Loup-Garou and Chasse-Gallerie in Jefferson Parish." 51-52.
Johnson III, Eldridge R. "Crescent City Blues." 53-54
Plater, Ormonde. "Return of the Monsters." 55-57.
Reinecke, Richard and Nancy. "Review: Oh! Dem Golden Slippers by Charles E. Welch." 58.
The 1970 LFS Meeting and Program. 59.
1973 FOR 1972: III(3)
Boudreaux, Anna M. "Yesterday, Today, and Maybe Tomorrow, Pictographs in Southwestern Louisiana." 1-16.
Dye, Robert. "Snake-Lore in Louisiana." 17-24.
Smith, Ethel LaBorde and Ethelyn Orso. "Roquelaure: An Acadian Trickster." 32-38.
Dahlgren, E.G. "Oil Language and Folklore." 32-38.
Perret, J. John. "J. Henriot, Author of 'L'Ouragan De La Cheniere Caminada.'" 39-42.
Soileau, Jeanne Pitre. "Jean Sot in St. Martinville." 43-47.
Miner, Allison. "The Mardi Gras Indians." 48-50.
Martin, Joan M . "Mardi Gras Indians, Past and Present." 51-55.
Wilhelmsen, Finn. "Creativity in the Songs of the Mardi Gras Indians of New Orleans, LA." 56-74.
Lubin, Maurice A. "En Marge Du Folklore Louisianais: Le Juif Errant." 75.
Bezou, James F. and Sidney L. Bezou and Msgr. Henry C. Bezou. "New Orleans Proverbial Locutions: Addenda." 76-78.
LeBreton, Dagmar Renshaw. 79
Villere, Sidney L.. 79-80.
Reinecke, George. "Jean Sot in New Orleans: Two Tales." 81-82.
The 1971 LFS Meeting and Program. 83.
The 1972 LFS Meeting and Program. 84-85.
1975 FOR 1973: III(4)
Giusti, Rosanna M. "The Life-Cycle Beliefs of a New Orleans Family of French-Italian Background." 1-28.
Soileau, Jeanne. "Proverbs and Proverbial Locutions of the St. Martinville Area." 29-34.
Orso, Ethelyn and E. Charles Plaisance. "Chitimacha Folklore." 35-41.
Firmin, Gloria. "Some Magical Practices Among New Orleans Blacks." 42-46.
Duval, Margaret L. "Legends of Wilkinson County and the Surrounding Area." 47-64.
Reinecke, George F. "Louisiana's Roque Laure, the Spanish Soil Trick, and Le Momus Francois." 65-69.
Wallace, Marcia. "Jokes Southern Baptists Tell." 70-84.
Boudreaux, Anna-Mary. "Jokes of Vermillion Parish." 85-97.
Whitbread, L. The Wandering Jew in French Louisiana. 98.
Program, 1973 Meeting, Louisiana Folklore Society. 99.
1975: III(5)
Del Sesto, Steven L. "Le Boucherie De Campagne: The Cajun Country Butchery." 1-5.
Post, Lauren C. "A Recollection of the Bleeding of Our Sick Mare by a 'Voodoo Doctor.'" 6-8.
Margavio, Anthony V. "Folklore of New Orleans' Sicilians." 9-13.
Orso, Ethelyn and Peggy Kaveski. "Undisclosed Aspects of Saint Joseph Altars." 14-18.
Oalmann, Mary Jane. "Southern Railroad Folklore." 19-32.
Fielding, Alice. "The Folklore of Children From Ages 9-13." 33-51.
Browinski, Jane and Denise Poynot. "A Study of Autograph Book Verse in New Orleans." 52-65.
Program, 1974 Meeting, Louisiana Folklore Society. 66.
Program. 1975 Meeting, Louisiana Folklore Society. 67.
1976-1980: IV
Holmes, Irene Whitfield. "In Memoriam: Lauren Chester Post." 7-8.
Edwards, Jay. "Cultural Syncretism in the Louisiana Creole Cottage." 9-40.
Prevos, Andre. "Afro-French Spirituals About Mary Magdalene." 41-53.
Perrin, Patricia F. "Oral Accounts of the Storms of 1893 and 1915 from the Cheniere Caminida Area." 54-60
Tapley, Philip A. "Negro Superstitions in Children of Strangers." 61-72.
Hampton, Joan Thompson. "Children's Jump-Rope Rhymes." 73-87.
Del Sesto, Steven L. "Cajun Music and Zydeco." 88-101.
Rochelle, Robbie Lynn. "The Banner Orchestra." 102-104.
Brabant, Sarah and Jaime Michot. "Gradations in Commitment to Folk Beliefs in Southern Louisiana." 105-110.
Burris, Shirley. "Fish-Gigging." 111-115.
Brandon, Elizabeth. "L'Alouette - A Functional Song." 116-121.
LeCompte, Nolan P. "Pupa Col Uova." 122-123.
Burns, Anna C. "Superstitions from Old Louisiana Sawmill Towns." 124-128.
Long, Patricia P. "In Cajun French Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo is Pronounced Pan, Pi, Po." 129-142.
White, Doris. "Jouré My Lord." 143-145.
Soileau, Jeanne. "Jumping Rope in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana." 146-154.
Programs, Meetings of the Louisiana Folklore Society - 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979. 155-159.
1981: V(1)
Comeaux, Elizabeth Smallwood. "Let the Cat Die: A Collection of Folklore From the Southern Alabama and Southern Mississippi Woodlands." 1-18.
Senn, Mary C. "One Score and One: Folklore of My Life." 19-26.
Alphonso, Patricia. "'We Don't Wanna Hear the Scientific Reason': Teenage Lore of St. Bernard Parish. 27-37.
Trahant, Yvette L. "The Oral Tradition of the Physician." 38-47.
Grayson, W. Paul. "The Folklore of a Medical Community." 48-52.
Stielow, Frederick J. "Discography of Louisiana Recordings in the Archive of Folk Song of the Library of Congress." 53-56.
De Caro, F. A. "Obituary: Richard M. Dorson, (1916-1981), 57-59.
1982: V(2)
Claudel, Calvin. "'Julie Julienne:' An Avoyelles Parish Folktale." 1-6.
Ottenheimer, Harriet B.J. "The Second Time Around: Versions and Variants in the Life Story Narrative of Cousin Joe, A New Orleans Blues Singer." 7-12.
Ottenheimer, Harriet B.J. and Pleasant 'Cousin Joe' Joseph. " 'Barefoot Boy:' Chapter One of the Life Story of Cousin Joe, Life's A One Way Ticket. 13-16.
Grace, Kevin. "Folklore and the W.P.A. in Northeast Louisiana." 17-25.
Gaudet, Marcia. "Mississippi Riverlore and Customs." 26-35.
Barnes, B.S. "Policelore."34-47.
Ashman, Charles Richard. "Folklore of Galliano." 48-55.
Notes. 56.
1983: V(3)
Armistead, Samuel G. "Spanish Riddles from St. Bernard Parish." 1-8.
Duplantier, Stephen. "Family Pigs in Central Louisiana: The Boucherie Des Habitants in Avoyelles Parish." 9-18.
Snyder, William D. "A Sampler of the Folklore of Slidell." 27-30.
Senn, Mary C. "Mona Lisa, Is That You?" 27-30.
Chambers, E.O. "The Mona Lisa Legend of City Park, New Orleans." 31-39.
Duplantier, Stephen. "The Cult of St. Joseph in Kenner." 40-46.
Notes. 47.
1984: V(4)
Guice, Natalie. "Personal Experiences from Residents of Franklin Parish of the Great Flood of 1927." 1-10.
Draper, David E. "The Ritual Music of the Choctaw Stickball Game." 11-27.
Waelde, Barbara. "Louisiana Army National Guard Folklore." 28-39.
Causey, Tammie Maria. "The Folklore of Surrounding Cats." 40-48.
Leonard, Terri L. "The Folklore of the Commercial Diving Industry." 49-62.
1985: VI(1)
Gaudet, Marcia. "Folk Motifs in the Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne." 1-5.
Whitley, Colleen. "Rienzi Plantation: Its History and Folklore." 6-10.
Leslie, J. Paul. "The Bungalow Housestyle: Midprint for the Twenties." 11-14.
Byrd, James W. "The Automatic 'Howdy:' Folk Communication Today." 15-21.
McCann, Gary G. and Hilliard E. Saunders. "Daigle's Dictionary: A Theology of Cajunism." 22-25.
Ancelet, Barry Jean. "Ote Voir Ta Sacree Soutane: Anti-Clerical Humor in French Louisiana." 26-33.
Graf, Herb. Review of Bayou by Chris Segura (stories) and George Rodrigue (paintings). 34.
1987 FOR 1986: VI(2)
Byrd, James W., "Black Collectors of Black Folklore: An Update on Zora Neale Hurston and J. Mason Brewer." 1-7.
Hatley, Donald W., "A Preliminary Guide to Folklore in the Louisiana Federal Writers' Project," 8-14.
Fields, James C. "Analysis of Forty-eight Cajun Folk Songs," 15-24.
Gorman, Carolyn Portier. "Recollections of War: 1940-1943 on Bayou Little Caillou: An Oral History Collection." 25-34.
Estes, David C., "St. Joseph's Day in New Orleans: Contemporary Urban Varieties of an Ethnic Festival." 35-43.
Carlo, Wanda. "Riding a White Horse with a Red Saddle." 44-48.
Fischer, Alice Bacon. "Les Traitement Be'tailles: Cajun Cowboy Animal Cures." 49-53.
Bergeron, Maida Owens. "Waiting for Babies: Lay Midwives in Louisiana." 54-62.
Toups, Verna. "A Cajun Trilogy." 63-68.
McCann, Gary G. and Hilliard Saunders. "Cuisine d' Amour a la Creole." 69-71.
1990: VI(3)
Estes, David C. "Traditional Dances and Processions of Blacks in New Orleans as Witnessed by Antebellum Travelers." 1-14.
Gaudet, Marcia. "Gaines' Fifteen Narrators: Narrative Style and Storytelling Technique In A Gathering of Old Men." 15-24.
Reinecke, George F. " 'Bouki and Dahomey' or 'The Buzzard and the Sheep': Creole Fakelore?" 23-36.
White, Theron S. " 'It's Hard to Believe, but …': Teenage Folklore from Northeast Baton Rouge." 37-48.
Bienvenu, Germain. "Twilight of the Old Creole Days: Reminiscences of Dagmar Renshaw LeBreton." 49-66.
Marshall, Kay. "Humor and AIDS: Laughing Our Way Through the Plague." 67-73.
Bergeron, Maida. "Cultural Conservation by the Louisiana Folklife Program: A Report." 74-77.
de Caro, Frank. "Charivari in Nineteenth Century New Orleans." 78-83.
Slayton, Sonia Ann. "Paper Flowers and Dinner on the Ground: Decoration Day in North Alabama." 84-88.
1991: VI(4)
de Caro, Frank. "Vermilionville and Beyond." 1-4.
Gravois, Carol. "Bonfires on the Levee: A Family Tradition in Ascension Parish." 5-16.
Robinson, Herbert. "Family Sayings from Family Stories: Some Louisiana Examples." 17-24.
Ware, Carolyn. "The Louisiana Folklife Festival." 25-29.
Berg, Diane Smith. "Advice from our Grandmothers: Some Folk Beliefs About Childbirth." 30-35.
Bergeron, Ronald L. "Pregnancy Predictions and 'Wives Tales': A Look at Pregnancy Folklore in Baton Rouge and Surrounding Areas." 36-42,
Daigle, Ellen M. "Traiteurs and Their Power of Healing: The Story of Doris Bergeron." 43-48.
Gordon, Betsy. "Decorating for the Shrimp Fleet Blessing: Chauvin, Louisiana." 49-53.
Louisiana Folklore Society Programs. 54-55.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 56.
Estes, David. Subject Index to the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, Volumes I-VI. 57-73.
1992: VII
From the Editor. 1.
Jordan, Rosan Augusta. "Folklore Study in New Orleans' Gilded Age: The 'Louisiana Association.'" 2-21.
Grider, Sylvia. "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around Elvis: Contemporary Legend, Popular Culture and the Media." 22-32.
Roshto, Ronnie E. "Georgie and Allen Manuel and Cajun Wire Screen Masks." 33-49.
Estes, David C. "Folk Humor in Thomas Bangs Thorpe's 'Letters from the Far West.'" 50-58.
Orso, Ethelyn. G. "Louisiana Live Oak Legends." 59-67.
de Caro, Frank. "New Orleans, Folk Ideas, and the Lore of Place."68-80.
Roach, Susan. "'Keep Your Mind and Your Hands Busy': Expressive Dimensions of the Lone Quilter." 81-88.
Louisiana Folklore Society Programs. 89.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 91.
1993: VIII
Roach, Susan. "'You Gotta Go Crazy Before You Can Be a Minister' Accessing a Speaking Role in the Primitive Baptist Church.". 1-16.
Orso, Ethelyn G. "New Light on an Old Story: The Mona Lisa Legend as Ancient Folklore." 17-24.
Pedrami, Loretta R. "Noruz: Iranian New Year Celebration in Louisiana and Iran." 25-48.
Christian, Renee Harvison. "The Louisiana Storytelling Project: An Appreciation." 49-54.
Special Section: Three LSU "Folk Groups"
Mitchell, Shawn. "Down in Your Mustard Seed, Kool Aid Pumping, Marshmallow-Filled, Twinkie-Eating Heart." 57-62.
Kincaid, Kathleen. "The LSU Fencing Team: Identity and Folklore." 63-74.
Howard, Leigh Anne and Daniel Heaton. "Krewe D' Elvis: LSU Folklore in the Making." 75-85.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 86
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 87.
1994: IX
Ryland, Janet. "From Custom to Coffee Cake: The Commodification of the Louisiana King Cake." 1-18.
Reinecke, George. "A Louisiana Black Creole Version of 'The Land and Water Ship.'" 19-29.
Babin, Michelle. "Superstitions of the Louisiana State University Baseball Team." 30-48.
Brumfield, Jacob. "Work Animals in the Rural South: Mule and Horse Stories from Washington Parish." 49-57.
Bryson, Susan. "Midwifery: Ancient Lore and Contemporary Practice." 58-79.
Noland, Lisa. "The Origami of Baton Rouge Schoolgirls: Games and Notes on Looseleaf Paper." 80-87.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 88.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 89.
1995: X
Special Issue on Louisiana Folklore and Literature
Gaudet, Marcia. "Louisiana Folklore and Literature: An Introductory Thumbnail Sketch." 1-7.
Gholson, Rachel. "The Southern Woman's Mind: Ada Jack Carver's 'The Ring' and 'The Raspberry Dress.'" 8-23.
O'Neal, Susan Hines. "Cultural Catholicism in Shirley Ann Grau's The Hard Blue Sky." 24-36.
Gaughan, Sara K. "Old Age, Folk Belief, and Love in Stories by Ernest Gaines and Louise Erdrich." 37-45.
Ramsay, Courtney. "Louisiana Foodways in Ernest Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying." 46-58.
Palumbo, Carmine D. "John Kennedy Toole and His Confederacy of Dunces." 59-77.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 78.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 79.
1996: XI
Howard, Kate. "The Evolving Customs of the Jefferson Street Buzzards Carnival Club." 1-16.
Cagle, Madeline Domangue. "Neither Spared Nor Spoiled: The Mardi Gras Chase in Choupic, Louisiana." 17-28.
Donlon, Jocelyn Hazlewood. "Two Women and a Porch." 29-40.
Westbrook, Laura. "Pretty, Little, and Fickle: Images of Women in Cajun Music." 41-52.
Hill, Reinhold R. "Chapels, Baptismal Fonts, and the Curse of Cain: An Examination of The Obstacles to Conversion in Louisiana Mormon Conversion Narratives." 53-66.
Ware, Carolyn. "Croatians in Southeastern Louisiana: Overview." 67-86.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 87.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 89.
1997: XII
Vlach, John Michael. "Traditional Features of a 'New' Plantation: A Case Study of Laurel Valley, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana." 1-28.
Ancelet, Barry Jean. "From Evangeline Hot Sauce to Cajun Ice: Signs of Ethnicity in South Louisiana." 29-44.
Lindahl, Carl. "The Power of Being Outnumbered." 45-78.
Jordan, Rosan Augusta and Frank de Caro. "Field Notes on All Saints' Day, 1985 and 1986." 79-88.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 89
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 91.
1998: XIII
Gaines, Ernest J. "A Tribute to Milton Rickels." 1-2
Landry, Julie. "The Bonne Mort Society of Carencro, Louisiana: A Post Vatican II Relic." 3-14.
Roberts, Katherine. "Contemporary Cauchemar: Experience, Belief, Prevention." 15-26.
Colquette, Patricia. "'My Slinky's Got a Kink': Proverbial Phrases for People A Little Off." 27-42.
Sawin, Patricia E. "Living Traditions of Vermilion Parish/Les Traditions Vivantes de la Paroisse Vermilion," 43-58.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program. 59
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 61.
1999: XIV
Dedication to Mary Ethelyn G. Orso (1941-1999).
Long, Carolyn Morrow. "Voodoo-Influenced Rituals in New Orleans Cemeteries and The Tomb of Marie Laveau," 1-14.
Ancelet, Barry Jean. "The Limits and Direction of Creolization: From Mercier's L'habitation St. Ybars to the Eunice Mardi Gras," 15-26.
Comeaux, Malcolm L. "Introduction and Use of Accordions in Cajun Music." 27-40.
Westbrook, Laura Renee. "Speaking for Ourselves: Louisiana Heritage Initiative Helps Communities Design Folklife-Based Cultural Programming," 41-54.
Calcote, Sharon. "Peopling of the Process: A New Tourism Development Model Utilizing an Anthropological Approach." 55-74.
Owens, Maida. "Report on the Louisiana Folklife and Education Project: Louisiana Voices," 75-80.
Laudun, John. "'Talking Shit' in Rayne: Field Notes," 81-84.
Louisiana Folklore Society Program, 85.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers, 89.
Laudun, John. Editor's Foreword. 1-2.
Gaudet, Marcia. "Cultural Catholicism in Cajun-Creole Louisiana." 3-20.
Wade, Leslie A. "The Performance Ritual of Saint Joseph's Day: A Stranger at the Door." 21-34.
Onebane, Donna McGee. "Charlene Richard: Narrative, Transmission, & Function of a Contemporary Saint Legend." 35-50.
Estes, David C. "The Saint Ann Shrine in New Orleans: Popular Catholicism in Local, National, and International Contexts." 51-58.
LeJeune, Keagan. "Binding a Family: Job's Tears Rosaries as Artifacts of Kinship." 59-67.
Lewis, Lisa Holzenthal. "A Good Friday Tradition: The Nine Church Pilgrimage." 68-73.
Fagan, William F. "Christmas Eve Bonfires & the Mayor." 74-85.
De Caro, Frank. "In Memoriam-George Reinecke." 86-88.
Annual Meeting Program for 2000 (and Officers), 89.
Laudun, John. "In the Wake of the Storms." 1-2.
Badeau, Corliss, Keagan Lejeune, Stella Nesanovich, and Wendy Whelan-Stewart. "Individual & Communal Identity after Hurricane Rita: A Collaborative Essay." 3-27.
Ancelet, Barry Jean. "Vernacular Power: The Social and Cultural Implications of Katrina and Rita." 28-35.
Donlon, Jocelyn H. & Jon G. Donlon. "Government Gives Tradition the Go-Ahead: The Atchafalaya Welcome Center's Role in Hurricane Katrina Recovery." 36-44.
de Caro, Frank. "Katrina: The Urban Legends Begin: A Memoir with Commentary." 45-53.
Saul, Jason. "Conversing with the Land of Dreams: Disaster Humor and Public Discourse." 54-75.
Bonner, Donna. "Time and Lowland Louisianans: Time Perspectives in College Student Narratives of their Hurricane Katrina Experiences." 76-93.
Goertzen, Chris. "Cars and Katrina at our house." 94-97.
Stein, Alan H. & Gene B. Preuss. "Oral History, Folklore, and Katrina." 98-122.
Roach, Susan. "In the Wake of the Hurricanes Research Coalition: A History." 123-137.
Nachabe, Adeem, Jessica Cohn-Phillips, and Amelia Kish. "Memoires from Metairie: 3 Students from the Metairie Park Country Day School Tell Their Stories." 138-139.
Gaudet, Marcia. "Louisiana Folklore Miscellany Index: Contents from Previous Journals." 140-153. (this page)
Ware, Carolyn. "Folk Belief and Healing: Introductory Remarks on this Issue." 1-3.
Otero, Solimar. "Santería Health Systems: Looking at "La Limpieza": An Ethnographic Study of Yoruba-Cuban Folk Medicine." 4-21.
Owens, Maida. "The Transformation and Healing Power of the Labyrinth: An Emerging Vernacular Belief Community." 22-51.
Whelan-Stewart, Wendy. "The Pine Island Apparation: Cajun Values Revealed." 52-73.
Swett, Julia. "French Louisiana Traiteurs." 74-90.
Gaitely, Patricia. "Perceptions and Misconceptions in James Lee Burke's Dave Robicheaux Novels." 91-108.
Louisiana Folklore Society Meeting Program and Officers. 109-111.
2009: IX
Lawless, Elaine J. "Performing Fiction(s)/Performing Folklore: "Magical Realism" as a Literary Trope/Folklore as Embedded Belief." 1-22.
de Caro, Frank. "Legends, Local Identity, and a New Orleans Cookbook." 23-31.
Ancelet, Barry J. "Lomax in Louisiana: Trials and Triumph." 32-52.
Comeaux, Malcolm L. "Steal-the-Flag: A Game Played in South Louisiana." 53-70.
Frugé, Anne. "Discovering Le Saint Suaire: Cajun Spirituality and an Unauthorized Devotional." 71-81.
Gaudet, Marcia. "In Memoriam: Patricia Kennedy Rickels (1927-2009)." 82-85.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2009 Meeting Program" 86-87.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 88.
Back Issues of LFM Available. 89.
2010: XX
de Caro, Frank. "Emerging New Orleans Mardi Gras Traditions: The St. Joan of Arc Parade and the Red Beans Krewe, 2010." 1-29.
LeJeune, Keagan. "Knowing How to Bury Your Dead: The Significance of the Post-Burial Home Visit." 30-50.
Manes, Clare. "In His Own Hand: The Correspondence of Edmond G. Landry from Carville, Louisiana." 51-61.
Delahoussaye, Jim. "Bringing Food and Buying Fish: The Significance of the Fishboat to Isolated Communities in the Atchafalaya Basin." 62-73.
Bordelon, Dominic. "The Difference between a House and a Home: Latino Experiences in Baton Rouge." 74-97.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2010 Meeting Program" 98-99.
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers. 100.
Back Issues of LFM Available. 101.
2011: XXI - Special Issue: The River Road
Jackson, Joyce M., "Guest Editor's Introduction." 1- 5
Carlin, Kathleen, "…A Hurricane Is Nothing." 6-21
De Caro, Frank. "Something about Being Anonymous: The New Orleans Mardi Gras Mask Market." 22-42.
Saloy, Mona Lisa. "Zora Neale Hurston on the River Road: Portrait of Algiers, New Orleans, and her Fieldwork." 43-61.
Buckley, Diana F. "The Folk Art of Alvin Batiste: Louisiana Culture Painted." 62-74.
Jackson, Joyce M. "Beyond Urban Borders: Unveiling New Discussions on the Rural Jazz Narrative in the River Road Region." 75-89.
Hogan, Cheryl. "The Boys of Summer: African Americans and Baseball in Plaquemines Parish." 90-99.
Williams, Karen. "St. Expedito's Role in South Louisiana Catholicism." 100-110.
Martin, Marion P. "The Piecemakers." 111-120.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2011 Meeting Program 121-122
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers 123
Recent Books of Interest on Louisiana 124
2012: XXII
Ware, Carolyn, "Note from the Editor." 1-2
Cureau, Rebecca, "Contributions of African Americans to Louisiana Folklore Research." 3-14
Begnaud, Rebecca. "The Life of a Healer." 15-23.
Duplantier, Aaron. "Bunny Matthews‘ Worldview: Race, Art, and Love for New Orleans." 24-49.
Vo, Cecilia. "The Moon Festival and Other Vietnamese Traditions in Baton Rouge, Louisiana." 50-60.
Caffery, Joshua Clegg. "The Folk Etymology of the Fais Do-Do: A Note." 61-65.
Levin, Cherry. "The Louisiana Sugar Cane Fair and Festival." 66-88.
Cazabat, Norbert. "Growing Up in Davant, Louisiana." 89-99.
Donlon, Jon Griffin. "Selluloid Myth Takes: “We’ve Been Framed!”: Louisiana in the Movies." 100-136.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2012 Meeting Program 137-138
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 139
Back Issues of LFM Available 140
2013: XXIII
LeJeune, Keagan, "Note from the Editor." 1-2
Caffery, Joshua Clegg, "Bye-Bye Batson: Continuity, Creativity, and Lake Charles' Great Blues Ballad." 3-17
Whelan-Stewart, Wendy. "A Family Pilgrimage: Charlene Richard's Tomb Revisited." 18-32.
Garcia-Mayer, Eric. "Narrating Nation Aloud: Oratory, Embodied Reading Practices, and the Cuban Imaginary in Villaverde and Marino's El Independiente." 33-54.
Zeringue, Maria Elise. "A Study of Tradition and Change in the Gheens Mardi Gras." 55-78.
Thériault, Gisèle D. "Down the Bayou: Notes on Cultural Adaptation in the Native American Community of Pointe-au-Chien, Louisiana." 79-96.
Ware, Carolyn E. "Louisiana's Croatian American Society: A Case Study in Adaptation and Resilience." 97-128.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2013 Meeting Program 129-1308
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 131
Back Issues of LFM Available 132
2014: XXIV
Ancelet, Barry. "Deep Meanings in Small Places: Social and Community Values in the Oral Tradition of French Louisiana." 1-18
Boudreau, Marie-Laurie. "Different “Jam” Venues, Contrasting Ways: A Comparison of Cajun Music Jams in and around Lafayette, Louisiana." 19-33
Fisher, Kelley. "The Dying Art of Speaking Ceazarnie." 34-47.
Jensen, Chani. "Beyond Gastronomy: Locating the Vietnamese Population in New Orleans." 48-61.
Jackson, Joyce Marie. "Songs of Spirit and Continuity of Consciousness: African American Gospel Music in Louisiana." 62-90.
Louisiana Folklore Society 2014 Meeting Program 91-92
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 93
Back Issues of LFM Available 94
2015: XXV
de Caro, Frank. "Ghost Stories of Old New Orleans as a Source and a Model." 1-7
Garnier III., D'Jalma. "The Musical and Cultural Roots of Louisiana Creole and Zydeco Fiddle Tradition through Canray Fontenot." 8-21
Regis, Helen and Shana Walton. "Map Your Jazz Fest: Experience, Scale, and Mobility at an American Festival." 22-39
Sweet, Castel and Sarah Becker. "“Trying to build the community up”: An Exploration of the Social Impacts of Louisiana Urban Community Gardens." 40-57
Silver, Julia. "Music, Healing, and the Intersection of Public Culture and Health in New Orleans." 58-71
Mungin, Douglas. "Between an Interstate and History: Community Displacement and Neighborhood Storytelling in Valley Park, Louisiana" 70-84
Louisiana Folklore Society 2015 Meeting Program 85-86
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 87
Back Issues of LFM Available 88
2016: XXVI
Ingram, Shelley. "Introduction." 1-4
Gipson, Jennifer. "Fiction as a Forum for Critical Reflections on Folklore: The Case of Alfred Mercier's L'Habitation Saint-Ybars (1881)." 5-20
Morrison, Jennifer. "The Politics of the Plate: Foodways and Southern Culture in Ernest Gaines' Of Love and Dust." 21-35
Ingram, Shelley. "Postmodern Storytelling in John Dufresne's Louisiana Novels." 36-49
Oxler, Elizabeth. "“I understand Somewhere it Has Rained:” Patricia Smith's Writing of Katrina." 50-62
Richardson, Todd. "Ignatius Reilly > New Orleans" 63-74
Louisiana Folklore Society 2016 Meeting Program 75
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 77
Back Issues of LFM Available 78
2017: XXVII
Gaudet, Marcia. "Cypress Stave Cisterns in South Louisiana: Meaningful Markers on the Cultural Landscape." 1-14
Hatcher, Von de Leigh. "Hair Culture among Generational Apostolic Pentecostal Women." 15-28
Rabalais, Nathan. "Roquelaure: A New Perspective on Louisiana Folklore's Master Thief." 2-52
Soileau, Jeanne. " They Said What?: The Playground Education You Forgot You Got." 53-66
Franklin, Barbara. "“Memoirs of an African American Multicultural Self-Taught Folk Doll Artist." 67-82
Greensword, Sylviane. "Commodifying the Gift: Two Ethnic Braiding Salons in Baton Rouge, LA." 83-101
Louisiana Folklore Society 2017 Meeting Program 102
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 104
Back Issues of LFM Available 105
2018: XXVIII
Savoy, Marc. "Reminiscences of a Cajun Accordion Builder." 1-19
Laudun, John. "Trucks Under Water." 20-36
Pesson, Carter Louis. "Vernacular Medicine and the Creation of Locality: Understanding Holistic Healing Processes in Creolized Cultures." 37-60
Laborde, Katheryn. "The History of the Balkan Fais Do Do (Or, How I was a Witness to the Birth of the Big Easy Balkan Music Movement)." 61-80
Mason, Jeanna. "Becoming the Tradition Bearer: Community History and Community Representation in The Tragedy of Brady Sims" 81-92
Castleman, Samantha. "Book Review: Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans: The Life and Times of Henry Louis Rey" 93-96
Louisiana Folklore Society 2018 Meeting Program 97
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 99
Louisiana Folklore Miscellany Back Issues 100
2019: XXIV
Gonzales, Randy. "Stories Told About the Nineteenth Century Filipino Settlement at St. Malo, Louisiana." 5-22
LeJeune, Keagan. "The Place-Name Legend of Pecan Island, Land Use, and Efficiency Narratives." 23-45
O'Dell, Emily A. "New Orleans and Mobile: Mardi Gras Connections in the Gulf South." 46-59
Doucet, John. "A River Ran Through It: Historical Golden Meadow as Gateway to the Gulf." 60-91
Gaudet, Marcia. "Ernest J. Gaines (1933 - 2019): A Tribute" 92-95
LaFleur, Gary, "Celebrating Heroes of Louisiana's Coastal Communities: The Tou-LouLou Salut" 96-101
Laudun, John. "This Time with Waves: More Trucks Under Water" 102-109
Louisiana Folklore Society 2019 Meeting Program 110
Louisiana Folklore Society Officers and Board 113
Louisiana Folklore Miscellany Back Issues 114