Louisiana Folklife Scholarship: Articles and More
The Folklife in Louisiana website features materials from many sources: the Louisiana Folklore Miscellany, Louisiana Folklife Festival and Smithsonian Folklife Festival program books, and other publications, including those originally appearing in print as Folklife Program books and, more recently, as digital texts on this website. Most are located herein, but several are on the websites of the Louisiana Voices Educator's Guide, Louisiana Folklife Center, and other online sources.
This database includes articles about Louisiana's folk traditions and groups; links to other databases listed below; essays describing Folklife Program projects; and aids to plan or research folklife projects.
The search results display the author(s), year of publication, and whether the page includes photos, audio, or video, and a web link.
If you prefer a list, see Louisiana Folklife Scholarship - List
Search Tips
You can search in Keywords using a word, name, or short phrase. You may limit your search by also selecting Culture, Region and/or Categories. Abstracts are provided to help your search. You can browse all entries by leaving everything blank and clicking the Search button, but the list will be over 900 items. The search results display the author(s), year of publication, title, abstract, and whether the page includes photos, audio, or video.
Keywords should be singular items rather than plural (e.g., "house" rather than "houses") and should not include any special characters ("Fruge", not "Frugé").
Cultures mentioned in the article are listed in the culture field. Select from the list.
Regions include 1) North Louisiana and the Florida Parishes, 2) South Louisiana, and 3) New Orleans. If you are looking for a subregion, such as Atchafalaya, search in keywords using one word (e.g. “Atchafalaya” rather than “Atchafalaya Basin”).
Categories include Children/Family Folklore, Crafts, Dance, Essays for Students, Folklore and Literature, Foodways, General Information, Music Traditions, New Populations (Immigrants), Occupational Traditions, Oral Traditions, Public Folklore/Documentation Tools, and Resource Pages, Ritual Traditions.