Sarah Albritton: Angels Watching Over Me
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Owens

[After Aunt Willie Bell died] Mother moved us within a week. I remember I had a cold; mother said that I could have had pneumonia, and [my stepfather] said that I might die, so he went to the store and got some Black Draught and castor oil, and mother put it in some hot water. I had to drink that, and then I also had to take a tablespoon of castor oil and some soda. And I was real sick then; I really thought I was going to die. That's when after I had gone to bed that night, she [Aunt Willie Bell] appeared to me, . . .praying with an angel standing there, and she told me I'd be up in about three days, and I was. [Age 8]
It's not the first time angels have appeared to me. The second one I saw was when Robert Lee's sister died. She would always hide her money, and she called me, and I went to the back door. And she was standing there, and she says, "Go up to the house and look in the loft in a corner; you'll find my money." And that's where it was. So her children got the money. An angel can take any form. . . .I thought it was her calling me. [March 3, 1996]
From Angels Watching Over Me, Susan Roach, ed., Louisiana Tech University, 1998.